旭輝物流有限公司(前身為達輝物流有限公司)為一以客為本,迅速冒起之物流公司。我們源自香港,成立于2003年7月。公司成立之初,主要業(yè)務範圍均環(huán)繞美洲貨運代理方面。在2004年間,經旭輝處理從中國(包括香港)及其他東南亞主要港口出口至美國之貨量每月平均為1500-2000TEU。在2004年中,我們致力於投資于人力資源及資訊科技方面,以配合公司及國際間日後的發(fā)展。同時我們開始致力于多元化業(yè)務,包括發(fā)展空運、散貨集裝箱、倉儲、陸路運輸、保險及報關等服務。我們亦開始發(fā)展非美線之貨運業(yè)務,包括中南美、加勒比海、墨西哥、歐洲、地中海、中東、印巴、亞太地區(qū)等。在2005年中,深圳辦成功獲取國家發(fā)出之一級貨代牌照,取名為深圳市旭輝達國際貨運代理有限公司。同時我們亦開始投入發(fā)展一網上系統(tǒng)給客戶提供有關之貨運資訊,包括網上訂艙、各航線之航班資料、網上追蹤有關客戶之貨運資料等。我們相信在現(xiàn)今需求不斷增加的市場上,運費已不再是唯一的主宰因素,故此必須裝備好以提供最高質素之服務予客戶。縱使旭輝之歷史非長,我們一群上進及富創(chuàng)意之管理層必定會繼續(xù)全方位向前邁進,歡迎閣下加入並分享我們之環(huán)球物流服務。Profile:RS Logistics Limited, formerly known as Rising Sun Logistics Company Limited, is a rapidly growing customer-oriented firm in the industry. We were established in Hong Kong in July 2003.Our main business, at start, was related to US sea freight forwarding. In the year of 2004, we exported about 1,500-2,000 TEU per month from China and South East Asia main ports to US.In mid-2004, we invited in human resources, information and technology building up a stronger infrastructure in order to cope with the growth of the company and the global needs. We started to diversify our business into other trades such as, air freight forwarding, consolidation and LCL shipments, warehousing, haulage, insurance and custom clearance, etc. We also started to develop businesses for non-US countries such as Central and South America, Caribbean, Mexico, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, India and Pakistan,Asia Pacific, etc.